Welcome to INTELESYS

The Premier Business Development Specialists

Established Since 1985

To provide the information to improve the daily operations of our client dealers resulting in true customer satisfaction and loyalty, enhanced employee performance, and ultimately, substantially increased bottom line profits.

Free Consultation

Reports are produced daily and are available 24 hours through the Intelesys password protected website.

Grow Your Business With Our Intelligent Solutions​

Go beyond customer satisfaction to customer loyalty. In-depth post delivery customer interviews that verify customer feelings about the delivery experience, about the vehicle, and about your dealership organization. Stimulate additional favorable responses to factory surveys. When you get serious about customer satisfaction and customer loyalty one stands alone…

Looking for an Expert Sales Consultant?

The Premier Business Development Specialist
Established Since 1985

The Best Customer Service for your Business!

US Based US Agents

100% Call Recordings

Urgent Notification

Online Reporting

Custom Scripts

Data Security


Why Choose Us?

Choose Intelesys as your call center solution and your business will benefit:

No Fees

You are never charged a fee for our expertise and recommendations with regards to inbound customer service, or for our business answering services.

Best Fit

You can count on our award-winning resource network to provide “Best Fit” solutions with a personal touch and world class customer care.

Save Time

Inbound customer service is challenging and time consuming. Save time by choosing Intelesys and focus on core business functions instead.

Experience Matters

Over 30 years of Call Center outsourcing expertise, exceptional customer care and personalized attention that sets us apart from the competition.

The Premier Business Development Specialist

Established Since 1985